
تلتزم شركة Henghui Steel بتزويد العالم بالفولاذ الصيني عالي الجودة وسعر أقل.

الملف الصلب

مع ملف HengHui الفولاذي، يمكن للعملاء الاستمتاع بالعديد من المزايا. لقد تم تصنيع مقاطعنا الفولاذية بأقصى درجات الدقة والاهتمام بالتفاصيل، مما يضمن الجودة والمتانة الفائقة. تم تصميم مقاطعنا الفولاذية لتحمل الأحمال الثقيلة والظروف البيئية القاسية، وتوفر قوة ومرونة استثنائيتين. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإن ملفاتنا الشخصية متعددة الاستخدامات للغاية، مما يجعلها مناسبة لمختلف تطبيقات البناء والهندسة المعمارية. يضمن قطاع HengHui الفولاذي دقة أبعاد ممتازة وسطح أملس، مما يسمح بسهولة التركيب والصيانة. مع منتجنا، يمكن للعملاء أن يثقوا في طول عمر وأداء هياكلهم، مما يجعله الخيار الأمثل لاحتياجات البناء الخاصة بهم.

أرسل استفسارك
Channel steel is a long strip of steel with a fluted section. It is a carbon structural steel for construction and machinery. It is a shaped steel with a complex section and its section shape is a fluted one.  Channel steel is mainly used in building structure, curtain wall engineering, mechanical equipment and vehicle manufacturing.
H-Beam is a kind of economically efficient profile with more optimized section area distribution and more reasonable strength-to-weight ratio, which is named because its section is the same as the English letter "H".  Because all parts of H-Beam are arranged at right angles, H-Beam has the advantages of strong bending resistance, simple construction, cost saving and light structural weight in all directions, and has been widely used.
Angle steel, often called Angle iron, is a long strip of steel with two sides perpendicular to each other to form an angular shape.  It can be divided into equal Angle steel and unequal Angle steel.
Hot dip galvanizing is to first pickling the steel pipe, in order to remove the iron oxide on the surface of the steel pipe, after pickling, through ammonium chloride or zinc chloride aqueous solution or ammonium chloride and zinc chloride mixed aqueous solution tank for cleaning, and then into the hot dip plating tank.
Galvanizing refers to the surface treatment technology of plating a layer of zinc on the surface of metals, alloys or other materials to play the role of aesthetics and rust prevention.  The main method used is hot-dip galvanizing.
The alloy layer is integrated with the pure zinc layer and the steel pipe matrix, so its corrosion resistance is strong.
Hot dip galvanizing has the advantages of uniform coating, strong adhesion and long service life. The matrix of hot dip galvanized steel pipe and the molten bath undergo complex physical and chemical reactions to form a tight zinc-iron alloy layer with corrosion resistance.
Hot dip galvanized pipe is the reaction of molten metal with iron matrix to produce alloy layer, so that the matrix and the coating are combined.
Hot dip galvanized pipe is the reaction of molten metal with iron matrix to produce alloy layer, so that the matrix and the coating are combined.
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هاتف: 0086 187 2258 3666

البريد الإلكتروني: toby@henghuisteel.com

ال WhatsApp: 0086 185 2672 0784

إضافة: مجمع Daqiuzhuang الصناعي، منطقة جينغهاي، تيانجين

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