
تلتزم شركة Henghui Steel بتزويد العالم بالفولاذ الصيني عالي الجودة وسعر أقل.

أنبوب فولاذي دائري

يقدم الأنبوب الفولاذي الدائري HengHui العديد من المزايا التي تجعله الاختيار الأفضل في السوق. أولاً وقبل كل شيء، يُظهر هذا الأنبوب الفولاذي الدائري عالي الجودة متانة استثنائية، وذلك بفضل مقاومته الممتازة للتآكل والتآكل. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يتميز الأنبوب الفولاذي المستدير بقوة مذهلة، مما يضمن قدرته على تحمل الأحمال الثقيلة والظروف القاسية. ميزة أخرى مهمة هي تنوعها، حيث يمكن استخدامها في مختلف الصناعات، من البناء إلى السيارات. علاوة على ذلك، فإن الأنبوب الفولاذي المستدير من HengHui معروف بلمسته النهائية السلسة، مما يجعله ليس فقط ممتعًا من الناحية الجمالية ولكن أيضًا عالي الكفاءة في التطبيقات. باختصار، يتميز هذا المنتج بمتانته وقوته وتعدد استخداماته وشكله النهائي المتميز، مما يجعله حلاً مثاليًا لمجموعة واسعة من المشاريع.

أرسل استفسارك
Spiral welded pipe: The low carbon carbon structural steel or low alloy structural steel strip is rolled into a tube blank according to a certain helix Angle (called forming Angle), and then the pipe seam is welded together, which can produce large diameter steel pipe with a narrower strip. The specification is expressed by the outer diameter * wall thickness, and the welded pipe should ensure that the water pressure test, the tensile strength of the weld and the cold bending performance should meet the requirements.
Seamless pipe is a long steel bar with a hollow section and no joints around it. 
General seamless steel pipe production process can be divided into two kinds of cold drawing and hot rolling, cold rolled seamless steel pipe production process is generally more complex than hot rolling, the tube billet first to carry out three roller continuous rolling, extrusion after sizing test, if the surface does not respond to the crack after the round tube to be cut by the cutting machine, cutting the growth of about one meter blank.
Welded steel pipe, also known as welded pipe, is a steel pipe made of steel plate or strip steel after crimping and welding, generally 6 meters. Welded steel pipe has the advantages of simple production process, high production efficiency, variety specifications, less equipment investment, more use scenarios, long life and so on
If the cold-rolled steel is heated to the annealing temperature, the surface color becomes black due to high temperature contact with the air, it is called black annealing steel.  Its surface has not been polished so it is black.  The physical properties become soft and easy to further weld into steel pipes.  Common hardness 57HRB, can also be retreated to different hardness according to need.
If the cold-rolled steel is heated to the annealing temperature, the surface color becomes black due to high temperature contact with the air, it is called black annealing steel.  Its surface has not been polished so it is black.  The physical properties become soft and easy to further weld into steel pipes.  Common hardness 57HRB, can also be retreated to different hardness according to need.
Galvanizing refers to the surface treatment technology of plating a layer of zinc on the surface of metals, alloys or other materials to play the role of aesthetics and rust prevention.  The main method used is hot-dip galvanizing.
The alloy layer is integrated with the pure zinc layer and the steel pipe matrix, so its corrosion resistance is strong.
Application: Fluid Pipe, Boiler Pipe, Drill Pipe, Hydraulic Pipe
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إضافة: مجمع Daqiuzhuang الصناعي، منطقة جينغهاي، تيانجين

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