
تلتزم شركة Henghui Steel بتزويد العالم بالفولاذ الصيني عالي الجودة وسعر أقل.

أنبوب فولاذي مجوف

الأنابيب الفولاذية ذات القسم المجوف من HengHui تقدم العديد من المزايا التي تميزها عن المنافسين في السوق. بفضل القوة والمتانة الاستثنائية، يضمن هذا الأنبوب أداء وموثوقية طويلة الأمد. كما أنها متعددة الاستخدامات، مما يجعلها مناسبة لمجموعة واسعة من التطبيقات في مختلف الصناعات، بما في ذلك البناء والبنية التحتية والتصنيع. يضمن التزام HengHui بالجودة العالية أن هذا المنتج يلبي جميع معايير ولوائح الصناعة ذات الصلة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يسمح التصميم المجوف لهذا الأنبوب الفولاذي بسهولة التخصيص والتكامل، مما يعزز قدرته على التكيف. مع الأنبوب الفولاذي المجوف من HengHui، يمكن للعملاء أن يختاروا بثقة المنتج الذي يقدم جودة فائقة، وتنوعًا، وقيمة طويلة المدى.

أرسل استفسارك
Welded steel pipe, also known as welded pipe, is a steel pipe made of steel plate or strip steel after crimping and welding, generally 6 meters. Welded steel pipe has the advantages of simple production process, high production efficiency, variety specifications, less equipment investment, more use scenarios, long life and so on
If the cold-rolled steel is heated to the annealing temperature, the surface color becomes black due to high temperature contact with the air, it is called black annealing steel.  Its surface has not been polished so it is black.  The physical properties become soft and easy to further weld into steel pipes.  Common hardness 57HRB, can also be retreated to different hardness according to need.
Hot dip galvanizing is to first pickling the steel pipe, in order to remove the iron oxide on the surface of the steel pipe, after pickling, through ammonium chloride or zinc chloride aqueous solution or ammonium chloride and zinc chloride mixed aqueous solution tank for cleaning, and then into the hot dip plating tank.
Hot dip galvanizing has the advantages of uniform coating, strong adhesion and long service life. The matrix of hot dip galvanized steel pipe and the molten bath undergo complex physical and chemical reactions to form a tight zinc-iron alloy layer with corrosion resistance.
Galvanized square pipe is a kind of square pipe with anti-corrosion properties. It is made by cold drawing, cold rolling or hot rolling process and its surface is galvanized.  Galvanized treatment is to evenly cover the surface of the square tube, so as to prevent the square tube from being oxidized and corroded.  This kind of pipe has certain strength, toughness and mechanical properties, and is suitable for various construction, machinery, metallurgy, aviation, railway, automobile and other fields.
Galvanized rectangular tube is a commonly used building material. It is made of galvanized strip steel, which is rolled by processing. Generally, the strip is unpacked, flat, crimped, welded to form a round tube, which is then rolled into a square tube and cut to the required length. They usually come in packs of 50. Also known as square and rectangular cold-formed hollow steel, the surface is galvanized, with anti-corrosion, acid and alkali resistance, wear resistance, beautiful and other characteristics.
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البريد الإلكتروني: toby@henghuisteel.com

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إضافة: مجمع Daqiuzhuang الصناعي، منطقة جينغهاي، تيانجين

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