
Henghui Steel wamejitolea kuupa ulimwengu ubora wa juu na bei ya chini ya chuma cha Kichina.


Watengenezaji wa mabomba ya chuma ya HengHui hutoa bidhaa mbalimbali za ubora wa juu, ikiwa ni pamoja na mabomba ya kulehemu, mabomba ya mabati, koli za mabati, koli zilizopakwa rangi, na bidhaa za kiunzi. Bidhaa hizi huja na faida kadhaa. Kwanza, mabomba ya svetsade yanatengenezwa kwa kutumia teknolojia ya juu, kuhakikisha nguvu bora na kudumu. Mabomba ya mabati yanastahimili kutu, na kuyafanya kuwa bora kwa matumizi mbalimbali katika miradi ya ujenzi na miundombinu. Zaidi ya hayo, mabati na coils zilizopakwa rangi hutoa ulinzi wa juu dhidi ya kutu na kuvaa, kuhakikisha utendaji wa muda mrefu. Mwishowe, bidhaa za kiunzi zimeundwa kwa usahihi, kutoa mfumo wa usaidizi salama na thabiti kwa wafanyikazi wa ujenzi. Pamoja na anuwai ya bidhaa za wasambazaji wa mirija ya chuma ya HengHui, wateja wanaweza kuamini kuegemea na ufanisi wa vifaa vyao vya ujenzi na vifaa.

Tuma uchunguzi wako
Sahani ya mabati ni sahani ya chuma iliyo svetsade na safu ya mabati ya moto au safu ya mabati ya umeme juu ya uso, ambayo hutumiwa sana katika ujenzi, vifaa vya nyumbani, magari na vyombo, utengenezaji wa vyombo, tasnia ya umeme na kadhalika.
Bomba ni jina letu la nyenzo zinazotumiwa kujenga kiunzi, kwa sababu scaffolds nyingi hutumia mianzi ya tubular au bomba la chuma na bomba zingine.
Color coated coil is a product of hot galvanized plate, hot aluminum plated zinc plate, electrogalvanized plate, etc., after surface pretreatment (chemical degreasing and chemical conversion treatment), coated with one or several layers of organic coating on the surface, and then baked and cured.  Because coated with a variety of different colors of organic paint color steel coil named, referred to as color coated coil.
Galvanized corrugated board is a corrugated board made of steel surface by rolling process. For its standard form, there is a clear definition in the standard, that is, galvanized corrugated board is a kind of galvanized surface treatment, bent by a series of ready-made hexagons, has a certain bearing capacity, and can be used for building structural plates.
Galvanized corrugated board is a corrugated board made of steel surface by rolling process. For its standard form, there is a clear definition in the standard, that is, galvanized corrugated board is a kind of galvanized surface treatment, bent by a series of ready-made hexagons, has a certain bearing capacity, and can be used for building structural plates.
Aluminized zinc coil refers to the color steel plate made by cold rolling or hot rolling on the zinc surface with zinc as the substrate and aluminum as the surface coating.
Color steel refers to the color coated steel plate, color coated steel plate is a kind of steel plate with organic coating, with good corrosion resistance, bright color, beautiful appearance, convenient processing and molding, and has the advantages of the original strength of steel plate and low cost.
The patterned steel plate, also known as the mesh steel plate, is a steel plate with a diamond shape or protruded edge on its surface.
The steel plate is a flat-like steel cast with molten steel and pressed after cooling  It is flat, rectangular and can be rolled directly or cut from a wide steel strip. The steel plate is generally divided into thin steel plate 0.2-4 mm, medium thick steel plate 4~60 mm, and extra thick steel plate 60~115 mm.
Steel springboard is a kind of construction equipment in the construction industry. Generally, it can be called steel handboard, construction steel springboard, steel pedal, galvanized steel springboard, hot-dip galvanized steel pedal, which is widely used in the shipbuilding industry, oil platform, electric power and construction industry.
The coupler is the intermediate connecting part that connects the rail to the sleeper. Its function is to fix the rail to the rail sleeper, maintain the gauge and prevent the rail from moving horizontally and horizontally relative to the sleeper.
Disc scaffold is a new type of scaffold, the product was introduced from Europe in the 1980s, is an upgrade product after the bowl buckle scaffold. Also known as chrysanthemum scaffold system, disc scaffold system, wheel scaffold system, buckle scaffold,layher frame (layer frame, Rea frame, because the basic principle of the scaffold is invented by the German LAYHER (Rea) company, also known as the "Rea frame" in the industry.
Hakuna data.

Acha ujumbe

Kuwasiliana natu

Tunaweza kufanya na kufanya wakala wa bidhaa mbalimbali zinazoagiza na kusafirisha nje ya nchi, kampuni yetu itaanzisha mahusiano mazuri ya kibiashara na Brazil, India, Afrika Kusini, Mashariki ya Kati na soko la Asia ya Kusini-mashariki na tumejenga muundo thabiti wa kiuchumi wa kimataifa, tumeshinda tegemeo la mteja. na kuthaminiwa na uwezo mkubwa wa uzalishaji na huduma ya kina kwa wateja.
Hakuna data.

Wasiliana nasi

Mtu wa Mawasiliano: Toby

Simu: 0086 187 2258 3666

Mapemu: toby@henghuisteel.com

WhatsApp: 0086 185 2672 0784

Ongeza: Hifadhi ya Viwanda ya Daqiuzhuang, Wilaya ya Jinghai, Tianjin

Hakimiliki © 2024 Tianjin HengHui Steel Group Co., Ltd. - www.henghuisteel.com | Setema | Sera ya Faragha 
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